Posts tagged User Behavior Analytics

2 min Cloud Security

Top Challenges for Security Analytics and Operations, and How a Cloud-Based SIEM Can Help

To keep up and combat key security operations challenges, many organizations are making the move to the cloud for broader, more flexible detection and response coverage of their ever-changing security environments.

5 min User Behavior Analytics

[Q&A] Why Every Threat Detection Strategy Needs User Behavior Analytics

VP of Product Sam Adams explains how UBA works and how it’s evolved over the years to become a core part of threat detection and response strategies.

17 min InsightIDR

Universal Event Formats in InsightIDR: A Step-by-Step NXLog Guide

Follow this step-by-step walkthrough to use NXLog to transform an ingress authentication log into UEF.

2 min User Behavior Analytics

Universal Event Formats Q&A: Apply User Behavior Analytics to More of Your Data

Rapid7 is proud to announce a new way to collect log data: Universal Event Formats. Here is a quick Q&A to give you the lowdown.

2 min User Behavior Analytics

Deception Technology in InsightIDR: Setting Up Honey Users

Having the ability to detect and respond to user authentication attempts is a key feature of InsightIDR [], Rapid7’s threat detection and incident response solution []. Users can take this ability one step further by deploying deception technology, like honey users, which come built into the product. A honey user is a dummy user not associated with a real person within your organization. B

2 min InsightIDR

2017 Gartner Magic Quadrant for SIEM: Rapid7 Named a Visionary

If you’re currently tackling an active SIEM project, it’s not easy to dig through libraries of product briefs and outlandish marketing claims. You can turn to trusted peers, but that’s challenging in a world where most leaders aren’t satisfied with their SIEM [], even after generous amounts of professional services and third-party management. Luckily, Gartner is no stranger to putting vendors to the test, especially for SIEM, where since 2005 they’ve rele

5 min SIEM

SIEM Market Evolution And The Future of SIEM Tools

There’s a lot to be learned by watching a market like SIEM adapt as technology evolves, both for the attackers and the analysis.

1 min InsightIDR

Want to Try InsightIDR in Your Environment? Free Trial Now Available

InsightIDR, our SIEM powered by user behavior analytics, is now available to try in your environment. This post shares how it can help your security team.

4 min User Behavior Analytics

SIEM Tools Aren't Dead, They're Just Shedding Some Extra Pounds

Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) [] is security's Schrödinger's cat. While half of today's organizations have purchased SIEM tools, it's unknown if the tech is useful to the security team… or if its heart is even beating or deployed. In response to this pain, people, mostly marketers, love to shout that SIEM is dead, and analysts are proposing new frameworks with SIEM 2.0/3.0, Security Analytics, User & Entity Behavior Analytics [http://w

6 min User Behavior Analytics

User Behavior Analytics and Privacy: It's All About Respect

When I speak with prospects and customers about incident detection and response (IDR) [], I'm almost always discussing the technical pros and cons. Companies look to Rapid7 to combine user behavior analytics (UBA) [] with endpoint detection and log search to spot malicious behavior in their environment. It's an effective approach: an analytics engine that triggers based on known attack m

3 min Vulnerability Management

Warning: This Blog Post Contains Multiple Hoorays! #sorrynotsorry

Hooray for crystalware! I hit a marketer's milestone on Thursday – my first official award ceremony, courtesy of the folks at Computing Security Awards [], which was held at The Cumberland Hotel in London. Staying out late on a school night when there's a 16 month old teething toddler in the house definitely took it's toll the following morning, but the tiredness was definitely softened by the sweet knowledge that we'd left the award ceremony brandishing so

3 min InsightIDR

Detect Corporate Identity Theft with a New Intruder Trap: Honey Credentials

If you're only looking through your log files, reliably detecting early signs of attacker reconnaissance can be a nightmare. Why is this important? If you can detect and react to an intruder early in the attack chain, it's possible to kick the intruder out before he or she accesses your critical assets. This is not only good for you (no monetary data is stolen), but it's also critical because this is the only time in the chain that the intruder is at a disadvantage. Once an attacker has an i

1 min Incident Response

SANS Review of Rapid7 UserInsight (now InsightUBA) for User Behavior Analytics and Incident Response

Editor's Note - March 2016: Since this review, UserInsight has now become InsightUBA. Along with the name change comes a completely redesigned user interface, continuous endpoint detection, and another intruder trap to reliably detect attacker behavior outside of logs. We also launched InsightIDR, which combines the full power of InsightUBA with Endpoint Forensics, Machine Data Search, and Compliance Reporting into a single solution. User behavior analytics (UBA) is a new space that is still un

2 min InsightIDR

Calling Your Bluff: Behavior Analytics in Poker and Incident Detection

As a former – or dormant – professional poker player, I'm seeing a lot of parallels between poker and incident detection, especially when it comes to behavior analytics. Detecting a bluff in poker is really not all that different from detecting an intruder on the network. New solutions, like Rapid7's InsightIDR [], incorporate machine learning and user behavior analytics [] to detect stealthy attacks. This is

2 min Authentication

Understanding User Behavior Analytics

Hey everyone! I'm pleased to announce that we've put together another pretty fun research report here in the not-terribly-secret overground labs here at Rapid7: Understanding User Behavior Analytics. You can download it over here [] . Modern enterprise breaches tend to make heavy use of misbehaving user accounts. Not the users -- the people typing at keyboards or poking at their smartphones -- but user accounts.